One of my articles was listed as the first on a list of ten great articles for recruiters recently on LinkedIn’s Talent Blog. Entitled, “10 Things to Look for in a New Hire in 2016,” my article for Inc. listed the ten things I look for in a new hire, which has evolved over the years of launching and managing several companies.

I really like people who are enthusiastic and passionate because that means they will put everything into what they are doing for me. Another trait I look for is something that makes them different than the rest, such as a strong character, because they will most likely be more creative than your average hire. Other traits for new hires include commitment, ambition, previous experience, and eagerness to learn.

They are more interested in the actual work than a job description.  A new recruit should have also done their homework, meaning they at least searched for me online to see what me and my company was all about before I interviewed them. Lastly, they should be likable because I’ll be working closely with them. We don’t have to be the same, but we can’t be clashing on every little thing.

Beyond the inclusion of my article, I also enjoyed reading the other articles on the list as they covered everything from the fact that you should switch jobs more often then you think, how to make the hiring process more relevant, the new resume look for 2016 and beyond and the best cities to find a job this year.

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